Yes, DLK Technologies scripts are all flexible, and adaptable. Clients can customize our codes according to their requirements.
Yes, The source code is encrypted for the purpose of single domain usage. It prohibits multiple domain usages.
Yes, We do provide three months free technical support.
No, Our products function on the single domain only. Clients will get the license for another domain for the purpose of testing, and development.
Yes, We do provide maintenance and services after the delivery. We maintain various levels of pricing and slabs
Yes, Custom development services are applicable for all our products. We run three engagement models namely fixed cost, time&material, and dedicated developer
for providing custom development services.
Our team will set an exclusive server suiting to the needs of the sole user. Only the client can access, monitor, and communicate with us through it. Entire data regarding the ongoing project will be updated in that exclusive server. Thus, clients can easily gain control over the project development.
We work as per the Indian standard time.
Yes, Custom development services are applicable for all our products. We run three engagement models namely fixed cost, time&material, and dedicated developer for providing custom development services.